Our company has increased its overall rice production capacity from its 80Tons/day operations in Akwa-Ibom state to 320Tons/day, through an additional 240Tons/day rice milling plant in Shagamu, Ogun state.Theadditional rice milling plant in Ogun State is currently running at about 70% of its installed capacity but company’s ultimate goal is to achieve at least 90% operating efficiency and stabilize production to attain and sustain its goal of 65% yield of Head rice/MT of paddy fed into the mill.
Agricon West Africa Limited, through its backward integration currently source about 20% of its raw material needs from its farming operations in Akwa-Ibom State, while over 80% of its raw material needs are from third party purchases in different rice producing states across Nigeria. This necessitates the need for additional working capital to optimize rice milling.
In the near to medium term however, company intends to do a localized backward integration program to source rice paddy locally in Ogun State also, through out-growers scheme across the rice producing areas of Ogun State, given the strategic location of the rice mill in the nexus between the rice producing areas of Ogun Central (Ofada) Ogun East (Ode-Omi) and Ogun West (Ifo) districts of the state.
We provide contract milling service to other rice farmers within and outside our local community.
We provide special packaging to our customers’ specification as souvenirs for special events.
We act as off takers for rice paddy that meets certain pre-agreed quality standards.
We supply, install, train and maintain processing and field equipment for rice production.